Announcements and Reminders

Our meetings are held quarterly on the 1st Saturday of the month.

GL Correspondence this Month: Click Here

Lodge Donation: more info

Pay Your Dues: ($78) more info

or Life Member
Assessment: ($28)
more info

Our FaceBook Page: Click Here!


Name- Link -
Grand LodgeClick Here
Concordant BodiesClick Here
Elected and Appointed OfficersClick Here
Highland Games SeattleClick Here
Highland Games Bellingham Click Here
Highland Games Tacoma Click Here
Highland Games Skagit Valley Click Here
Highland Games Spokane Click Here
Highland Games Whidby IslandClick Here
----------- EDUCATIONAL LINKS ------------
Collingwood Library and Museum on AmericanismClick Here
Fifteen Points for Masonic EducationClick Here
George Washington Masonic MemorialClick Here
Masonic Service Association of North AmericaClick Here
MIT: Freemasonry PageClick Here
Research Lodges and Masonic Research SourcesClick Here
Short Talk Bulletin: What's Your Answer?Click Here
The Philalethes SocietyClick Here
WikipediaClick Here
Lodge PetitionClick Here
Lodge Officers HandbookClick Here
These are useful links for Masonic organizations in Washington State and also provides useful educational links for sites throughout the world.